Need Help To Determine Your Loan Amount?

Use Our Calculator to Estimate Your Loan Amount Instantly.

Estimated Loan Amount

Loan Calculators

Loan Calculator

Bridging Loan Calculator

Note: If you currently own an existing HDB flat, please enter the details in the fields below. However, if you do not have an HDB flat, you can leave it empty.

Total Loan Amount (A + B): $0

Monthly Mortgage Amount

Monthly Mortgage

Monthly Mortgage

Loan & Mortgage Calculator – Plan Your EC Purchase with Confidence

Purchasing an Executive Condominium (EC) is a significant financial commitment, and it is essential to assess your financial standing before making a decision. Our Loan & Mortgage Calculator on helps you estimate your monthly loan repayments, affordability, and maximum loan eligibility based on your income and financial status. By using this tool, you can gain clarity on your budget, ensuring a smooth and well-planned EC purchase.

A proper financial assessment helps determine your eligibility for financing, plan your downpayment, and understand potential costs such as interest rates and loan tenure. The calculator provides an easy and accurate way to gauge your financial readiness, preventing surprises down the road. Whether you are an HDB upgrader or a first-time buyer, knowing your financial limits ensures a stress-free home-buying experience.

If you have any questions regarding your financing options, EC eligibility, or loan calculations, feel free to contact us for professional advice. Alternatively, simply fill out the enquiry form below, and we will get in touch with you to assist with your EC purchase journey.