Complete Guide To Current and Upcoming ECs in Singapore.

Income Guideline

Assessment Guideline
Period of income assessment 12 Months
End of assessment period 2 months preceding the month of application of the EC unit. ** For example, if your application of your EC unit is submitted in May 2024, the assessment period will be from Apr 2023 to Mar 2024.
Income components All components from employment or trade, except bonuses.
Treatment of no-pay leave The months of no-pay leave will be treated as unemployment. The monthly income is then based on the incomes earned averaged over the months worked.

Supporting Documents

Employee Self Employed/ Business Owner Unemployed
Latest Notice of Assessement (NOA) from IRAS
CPF Contribution Statement for the 12-month period ending two months prior to the month of application.
Payslips for the 12-month period ending two months prior to the month of application. Undertaking to confirm the average gross monthly income for the 12-month period ending two months prior to the month of application. Undertaking to confirm the employment status and the period of unemployment/ previous employment within the assessment period (if it applicable).
Declaration of monthly gross income, including any bonuses received. Valid Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) business profile and a valid business or trade license (if applicable).